
Financial Literacy: Money Scripts

Financial literacy helps us to manage our money. There are things that have happened in my life that affected me financially.  “ Money scripts ” are real. Money scripts are defined by MoneySense writer  God is using “all my things” for my good and most importantly I get to use it to help others. I also get to learn more about money, be around people further along in the financial process which not only helps me but will put my children ahead of the game.  The wisdom from my good, bad and ugly enable me to help people save, invest, get out of debt and put their income protection in place so they can be the pillar in their Fam, the last name that rings out in the community. This puts their children in position to be the solution to the problems in the future … all because they learned how to manage their money and then make their money work for them.  It WILL get better for you, financially speaking, if you choose.  Financially literacy, a wealth plan, is the gift that keeps on giving.